
9 Reasons to Remain Proactive and Visit Your Doctor Regularly

There are many reasons why you should visit your doctor regularly and remain proactive about your health regime. Regardless of whether your relatives and forefathers lived to a ripe old age or not, your priority should be putting positive measures in place to remain in peak physical and mental health, and starting as young as possible is an excellent idea.

For as many advantages as there are, people find as many reasons not to visit their doctor at regular intervals. From chaotic work schedules and seeing to the family’s needs first to not being honest about niggling health issues and the fear of the unknown, individuals will find reasons not to attend these vital visitations. However, it is widely stated that your health is your greatest asset.

The certified medical professionals at Intercare Medical and Dental Centres understand the importance of being proactive about your health and well-being and continue to encourage you to maintain a sensible medical regime. Hence, we share a few crucial reasons to visit your doctor regularly:

9 Reasons for Visiting Your Doctor Regularly


  • General Physical
  • This examination is advised at least once, preferably twice annually. You and your GP need to develop a baseline understanding of your general health. Once determined, your GP will be able to detect any variations to this average median and treat you accordingly. Early detection is often a matter of life or death, and by being familiar with your general health, they may be able to advise you on additional testing that might timeously detect more serious ailments allowing you to take appropriate action.

  • Diabetes Screening
  • While professionals suggest having a diabetes screening as young as your mid-thirties, the older you get, the more prone to the illness you may become. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes could be hereditary. But Type 2 is often related to poor eating habits, lack of exercise or certain conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome. Testing is recommended at least once a year or if you experience heightened thirst or appetite, increased urination, weight changes, decreased eyesight or general fatigue.

  • Chronic Illnesses
  • Hypertension, high blood pressure, angina and other chronic ailments, including diabetes and, under certain conditions, even mental illness, could contribute toward cardiovascular disease and other serious illnesses. Once diagnosed with a chronic illness, more frequent visits to your doctor may be necessary. Monthly check-ups, stabilising medication and specialised treatment by specialist health professionals may be required to normalise the condition. However, once you are receiving the prescribed treatment and the condition is being managed, these appointments with your GP could be done via video consultations.

  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
  • While many consider these ailments to be a larger threat to younger generations, evidence might suggest the contrary. With those in the older generation being divorced or widowed and re-introduced into the dating pool, experts have observed an increase of STIs in those within the 40 to 44 age bracket, in recent years. Whether you are young or older, you are advised to approach your doctor every 3 to 6 months for screening if you are involved in a new, intimate relationship. Especially if the physical contact is unprotected or you notice any signs or symptoms.

  • Gynaecological Visitations
  • Cervical and breast cancer, autoimmune diseases and hypertension may affect women of all ages and at any time. Menopause may also affect women differently. Regardless of age, or family and personal medical history, gynaecological pelvic and breast examinations are recommended at least once a year, with self-assessments performed monthly. Cervical cancer testing is advised every 3 years with a Pap smear, while Pap smear/HPV co-testing should be done every five years.

  • Mammograms
  • With women in South Africa standing a 1 in 26 chance of developing the disease in their lifetime, breast cancer remains one of the leading cancer types in women. Some health and behavioural factors may contribute to the onset of breast cancer. However, gene mutations are also known to be a cause. A mammogram is a radiological test to evaluate the condition of your breasts. Although it is debated among the medical fraternity, it is recommended that medium-risk individuals be tested annually.

  • Dermatological Exams
  • While seeing to acne and other skin conditions through your pubescent years and sometimes beyond, one of the main reasons to consult with a dermatologist is to screen for the development and early detection of various types of skin cancers. South Africans enjoy year-round sunny conditions, and constant exposure to harmful UV rays without appropriate protection may promote skin cancer development. So, visit your doctor bi-annually or quarterly if you have a family history of skin cancer.

  • Dental Appointments
  • Although a full smile of pearly whites may reflect signs of good health and self-confidence, the condition of your teeth could indicate signs and symptoms of more severe ailments. Poor blood flow to the mouth, reduced saliva production and other causes may result in the deterioration of teeth and gums. Regular cleaning and examinations are important for keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Visit your dentist at least twice annually and more often if you require cosmetic surgery, implants or veneers.

  • Colonoscopy
  • Colorectal cancer is one of the more common forms of the disease and, although it is more prevalent in men, it does affect both genders without discrimination. Your risk can rise exponentially due to various factors, including genetic, physical and lifestyle. The most common way to test for this cancer form is by scanning for blood present in stool samples. If blood is detected, your doctor will often advise that a colonoscopy is performed. A gastroenterologist or general surgeon may perform this procedure once a decade. However, if there is a personal or family history, it should be performed more often, or at the request of your GP.

Where to Find the Best Medical and Dental Professionals


There are many more reasons to visit a medical professional. So, when searching for medical and dental professionals practising all forms of healthcare, consider Intercare Medical and Dental Centres. We are a community of specifically selected medical experts and are conveniently located across South Africa. We offer a full range of medical treatments, usually all situated under one roof. From our comfortable, family-friendly waiting rooms to the medical process and filling prescriptions, we can assist with all your medical requirements. Consult with Intercare – leaders in health.

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