
Feel better today, stay ready for tomorrow.

If you are worried about your mental health, feel assured that you are not alone. Intercare gives you access to in-person and online support to help you better manage your condition.

Mental health support from Intercare – Leaders in Health

What mental health support do you need?

See a general practitioner in person

Schedule an in-person consultation with an Intercare doctor with a special interest in mental health. Get help with early diagnosis or treatment Our general practitioners can refer to a wide network of mental health specialists.

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Speak to a counsellor or psychologist online

Chat with a registered counsellor or psychologist online for professional support. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, depression, burnout, trauma, grief, stress, or adjustment difficulties, our experienced team is here to help.

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Access self-care support online

MindMentor offers affordable and convenient access to mental health self-care tools including a mental well-being chatbot, educational toolkits and crisis online counselling. Affordable subscription plan fit for anyone’s pocket.

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Why Choose Intercare
Mental Health Services?

You are in control: Choose what works best for you either consult with a healthcare professional in person or online via text or video chat.

Quality Care: Our network of doctors and mental health providers specialise in conditions, treatment approaches, and mental health needs.

Cost-Effective: Consultations for both in-person and online can be more affordable, saving you time and money.

Easy Referrals: If your condition requires referral you'll receive seamless care, knowing that your consultation has helped guide you to the right place for further treatment.

Mental health support from Intercare – Leaders in Health

Your privacy is our top priority

All the data you share with us receives maximum protection. None of the information you type or say during your consultation is accessible to anyone except you and your doctor or mental health provider. Moreover, all our mental health professionals are registered with the HPCSA and follow strict ethical practice guidelines and patient confidentiality protocols.

Emergency Support

If you or someone you know are seeking emergency care. Please use the dedicated emergency line for emergency assistance at 021 809 3959.

Mental health support from Intercare – Leaders in Health

Mental Health information

Mental wellness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect our emotional, psychological , and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act.

Empower your mind with informative articles and videos on mental health and wellness.

Visit the Health Hub


HealthBeat is a secure portal created to enable your healthcare management. With a HealthBeat profile you can conveniently schedule medical, dental and mental health bookings as well as access a variety of affordable online healthcare services.

You can also create a care team, provide Intercare with your updated personal information, add dependants, and set appointment reminders.

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Mental health support from Intercare – Leaders in Health