
Discussing Your Mental Health

Discussing Your Mental Health With Your General Practitioner - Intercare

How to Speak to Your General Practitioner About Your Mental Health

Mental health is a topic we hear a lot about lately but too many individuals in South Africa still feel ashamed and embarrassed to discuss what they are going through. Fallacies such as being thought of as crazy or weak often stop people from speaking out when they need help most. Here at Intercare, we take a holistic approach to wellness – this includes your physical as well as your mental wellbeing. While a general practitioner is not a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist, they are trained to spot the symptoms of mental-health issues. If you would like to talk to your GP about your thoughts, emotions, and moods, we look at how to get the ball rolling.

Manage Your Expectations

Miracle cures are rampant in our society and very rarely do they ever work. Mental health challenges, in particular, are incredibly complex and take time to identify and treat. It is important to realise before your appointment that your general practitioner will likely not be able to “cure” you but they can get you started in the right direction. They may help you find support, refer you to an appropriate professional, or prescribe some medication to start your journey, but it is essential to remain mindful that there is no quick fix.

Link Your History and Lifestyle

It is never easy to identify the cause of mental-health issues and it may sometimes be a combination of factors working in favour of these struggles. Before your appointment, think about your family’s medical history, past traumas, lifestyle habits, and your social environment. Mention these to your general practitioner to offer them a fuller insight into your life and possible ways forward.

Discuss Your Hopes and Fears

Talking to your general practitioner about what you hope to get out of your visit with them will allow them to clarify how they can and cannot help you. It will give them an idea of the direction in which you would like to move when it comes to your wellness. It is also wise to discuss some of your fears. Speaking openly about your concerns when it comes to medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes gives your doctor the chance to set your mind at ease and empower you with the right information.

Talking about mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and trauma is never comfortable, but seeking help is the first step to a hopeful future. To find a general practitioner, psychologist, or psychiatrist near you today, don’t hesitate to make use of our easy online-booking system.