
The Crucial Role of the Dentist in Promoting Oral Health

Regular visits to a dentist are crucial for maintaining oral health because diseased gums or a decaying tooth can negatively impact your general health. However, many patients are reluctant to undergo dentistry and choose to neglect their dental care rather than face their fears.

Today, those fears are largely unfounded in practice, as technological advances in this field have eliminated most of the pain and discomfort that once characterised the dentist’s profession. In addition, experience has shown that oral health outcomes are optimal when the relationship between patient and dentist is well-established. Patients are, therefore, advised to choose dental practitioners with whom they can relate and stick with them.

Why Oral Health and a Good Dentist are Important


The mouth, and by extension, the teeth and gums, form the gateway to the body, so oral health is integral to one’s general quality of life. Failure to maintain sound oral health can have devastating consequences, including the following:

Cardiovascular disease


Respiratory disorders

Complications of pregnancy

Conversely, certain systemic disorders can manifest in the buccal cavity. For example, oral ulceration is often observed in patients with Lupus or Crohn’s disease. Similarly, severe periodontal bleeding or inflammation could be an early indication of diabetes, HIV, a platelet deficiency, or leukaemia. Consequently, failure to seek regular professional help from a dentist can lead to far more severe problems than toothache and unsightly gaps in your smile.

The Crucial Role of the Dentist in Promoting Oral Health

Ways in Which a Dentist Can Help Protect Your Oral Health


Dentistry is a broad discipline focusing on diagnosing, treating, and preventing oral diseases and abnormalities, and covers the following services:

Preventative Care: Prevention is the cornerstone of the dental profession and the primary purpose of those recommended twice-yearly checkups. During these visits, the practitioner aims to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other common oral pathologies. With these goals in mind, the service will generally include routine cleaning, applying fluoride treatments and sealants, and providing advice about correct brushing techniques and flossing.

Diagnostic Tests: Besides checking for visible signs like inflammation, bleeding, cavities, and discolouration, many modern dental practices now depend heavily on the application of digital technology for diagnostic purposes.

At Intercare dental clinics, cumbersome old-fashioned and potentially dangerous X-ray machines have been replaced by compact, hand-held, intraoral scanners, cameras, and low-radiation X-ray probes. These diagnostic instruments can provide external and internal imagery of the teeth, gums, and jawbones with unprecedented detail. Consequently, these sensitive digital dental devices can consistently reveal problems that would not have been visible to the unaided eye.

Restorative Dentistry: The only remaining options for those who have repeatedly shunned the dentist are to accept the consequences, like missing or discoloured teeth and recurring toothache, or to opt for a suitable restorative treatment. In addition to the long-established solutions like fillings, crowns, bridges, and partial- or full-mouth dentures, many practitioners, including those in the Intercare network, now offer the option of dental implants. Whatever form a restoration might take, it will effectively restore the function and improve the aesthetic appeal of damaged or diseased teeth.


Surgical Interventions: The thought of undergoing surgery tends to strike fear in the hearts of those most reluctant to visit a dental clinic. However, while surgery is generally a last resort, it is often the only remaining option for those who choose to ignore their oral health. Yet, when a practitioner is sufficiently experienced and has access to modern dental technology and anaesthetics, these feared procedures can be painless.


Interventions, such as extractions, root canal therapy, and periodontal surgery, play a crucial role in effectively treating dental infections, providing pain relief, and preventing further complications.

Cosmetic Dentistry: While one cannot downplay the health benefits of caring for one’s teeth, the aesthetic gains can be equally significant. The ability to smile confidently and display sparkling white, flawless teeth is a freedom that should never be undervalued. Smiling, or an unwillingness to smile, can profoundly impact your relations with others, both in your personal and business life. The ultimate role of the cosmetic dentist is to rebuild your confidence by restoring your smile.


Intercare offers various cosmetic services, including orthodontic procedures for correcting misaligned, misshapen, and overcrowded teeth. While we can still fit conventional wire braces, we can also provide the more discreet option of near-invisible “Invisalign” braces that can be conveniently removed for eating and brushing and require fewer appointments for adjustment. In addition, we offer veneers and professional teeth-whitening procedures that are far more effective than the numerous commercial products sold for home use.

The bottom line is that a beautiful smile will boost your self-esteem and positively impact your social interactions and mental well-being.

The Importance of a Strong Patient-Dentist Relationship


A strong relationship with your chosen dental practitioner forms the foundation of effective dentistry by fostering better communications, inevitably leading to optimal outcomes. The following elements are essential to create such relationships:

Trust: Patients who trust their dentist are far more likely to adhere to their treatment plans and adopt their practitioner’s guidelines regarding preventative care and general oral health.


Ambience: Many patients feel anxious when attending a dental appointment, a factor that can threaten successful outcomes if not dealt with effectively. Pleasant surroundings, comfortable facilities, a warm welcome, and a compassionate approach by clinic staff can all help to relieve that anxiety and encourage future visits. These are the hallmarks of every dental clinic in the Intercare network.


Open Communication:  Patients are more confident when kept fully informed. Hence, transparency and honest communication regarding their oral health, treatment, and preventative options will ensure they feel involved and will become invested in their proposed dental care plans.


Continuity: Sticking to one dentist for all your requirements will ensure continuity of care and personalised treatments from a practitioner who is fully informed of your oral health history and ongoing needs.


Education: Patients who are kept well-informed about their condition and whose practitioners are willing to take the time to explain the details of their procedures and treatment plans feel empowered and are more willing to play an active role in their treatment.


Why Choose an Intercare Dental Clinic?


Every dentist employed by Intercare has been chosen because they tick all the above boxes and more. Every Interare dental clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art digital technology, while many provide services after office hours, on weekends, and during public holidays.

At Intercare, we prioritise the sound patient-practitioner relationships that have consistently proved essential for continuity of care and successful outcomes while inspiring the confidence to overcome doubts and anxiety. So, if you are unhappy with your current dental practitioner or are long overdue for an oral health checkup, why not give Intercare a try? You won’t regret it. So, instead of Googling “Is there a dentist near me?”, simply click on this link to begin enjoying some of the foremost dental services in South Africa.

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